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Menulis ucapan berbela sungkawa / berduka cita berbahasa Inggris

Kemarin, kebetulan ada teman dalam suasana berkabung, karena baru saja ayahnya meninggal.
Pengennya beberapa kata ucapan berduka cita ini dalam bahasa inggris. Salah satunya saya dapat referensi dari internet. Jika bentuknya surat (atau sekarang mungkin lebih cepat email ), berikut petikan trik untuk menulis dan beberapa kalimat yang bisa dirangkai sesuai kebutuhan untuk mengungkapkan simpati dan memotivasi teman yang sedang berduka cita .

Guidelines for Writing a Letter

A letter of sympathy, or condolence, should be written and sent promptly. A good guideline is within the first two weeks following the loss. Handwrite the letter on stationary rather than typing and printing from a computer. If you want to use a store-bought card, write a personal note on stationary and tuck it inside the card.

Write the letter in your own voice, meaning the way you would normally speak to the person. There is no reason to get too fancy and try to come up with a poem or verse unless that is how you normally speak (which could be weird) or unless you’re a writer by profession.
Components of a Condolence Letter

There are seven main components you may want to include in your letter:

1. Acknowledge the loss and refer to the deceased by name.
2. Express your sympathy.
3. Note any special qualities of the deceased that come to mind.
4. Include your favorite memory of the deceased.
5. Remind the bereaved of their personal strengths or special qualities.
6. Offer help, but make sure it is a specific offer. Instead of “Let me know if I can help with anything at all,” try something like “I know that Phil took you to church every Sunday. Let me take over duty for awhile. I’ll pick you up on Sunday at 8:30 a.m.”
7. End the letter with a thoughtful word, a hope, a wish, or expression of sympathy e.g. "You are in my thoughts" or “Wishing you God’s peace.” Closing such as "Sincerely," "love," or "fondly," aren’t quite as personal.

Example Condolence Letter

Below is an example of a condolence letter using the seven components above:


1. Acknowledge the loss, refer to deceased by name.
I was deeply saddened to hear about the death of _____________.

2. Express your sympathy.
I know how difficult this must be for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

3. Note special qualities of the deceased.
____________was such a kind, gentle soul. She would do anything to help someone in need.

4. Include your favorite memory.
I remember one time_________________.

5. Remind the bereaved of their personal strengths and qualities.
I know how much you will miss_______________. I encourage you to draw on your strength and the strength of your family. You could use your special talent of scrapbooking to make a lasting memory book of _________________.

6. Offer specific help.
I can come over on Tuesday evenings to help you make your scrapbook. I have some lovely pictures of _______________ I’d love to share.

7. End the letter with a thoughtful closing.
May God bless you and your family during this time and always,

Sign your name___________


Keep in mind that this is only an example. Write from your heart and whatever elements you include will be the right ones.

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